
The Sunrise Enabler

Leininger developed the Sunrise Enabler in the 1970’s to depict the essential components

of the theory. She has refined the sunrise to the present and thus the evolved enabler is more definitive and valuable to study accurately the diverse elements or the components of the theory and to make culturally congruent clinical assessments.

The sunrise enabler symbolizes the rising of the sun (care). The upper half of the circle depicts components of the social structure and worldview factors that influence care and health through language, ethno history, and environmental context. These factors also influence the folk, professional, and nursing system, which are the middle part of the model. The two halves together for a full sun, which represents the universe that nurses must consider to appreciate human care and health. According to Leininger, nursing acts as a bridge between folk (generic) and the professional system. Three kinds of nursing care and decisions and actions are predicted in the theory; culture care preservation or maintenance, culture care accommodation or negotiation, and culture care repatterning or restructuring.

The Sunrise Enabler depicts human beings as inseparable from their cultural background and social structure, worldview, history and environmental context as a basic tenet of Leininger’s theory. Gender, race, age and class are embedded in social structure factors and are studied. Biological, emotional and other dimensions are studied from a holistic view and not fragmented or separate.